Woman went to adopt 14 year old daughter, got 3 children free along with her, people are giving blessings

Woman went to adopt 14 year old daughter, got 3 children free along with her, people are giving blessings

There are many people in the world who yearn for the happiness of the child. Many people now enjoy becoming a mother through IVF or surrogacy. But there are many people who choose the option of adopting a child. Such children, who could not get the love of their parents, find a home through this. Recently, a woman living in Indianapolis also adopted a daughter. But the daughter whom he adopted, he made the woman famous in no time.

We are talking about 45 year old Katrina Mullen. Katrina works at a community hospital in Indianapolis. He recently adopted a daughter. The age of this daughter is 14 years. But Katrina went viral as soon as she adopted her daughter. Actually, the daughter he adopted has three children of his own. Katrina’s adopted daughter gave birth to triplets. Knowingly, Katrina adopted this mother of three children so that she could take care of all four at the same time.

only eighth grade student
Katrina adopted eighth grade student Sharia. Sharia gave birth to triplets together. This birth happened only in the 26th week. All three children were very weak and had to be kept in the hospital for five months. Katrina was working in the NICU of the hospital where Sharia gave birth. When he saw that no one came to take care of these children as well as Sharia, then he talked to Sharia. Turns out he doesn’t have any. Children, a father has also broken the relationship with him. After this Katrina decided to adopt Sharia.

Sharia helps Katrina in the household chores

the journey was not easy
Katrina told that she wanted to take care of Sharia and her children. But Sharia was not ready to take any help. Five months later, Sharia moved with her children to a relative. When Katrina went to meet her after some time, she saw that the condition of her children was not good. After this, Katrina brought Sharia with her. She fostered Sharia for about two years before adopting her. Foster means playing the role of a parent to a child without adoption. Now Katrina has officially adopted Sharia. Along with Sharia, her three children have also got a home.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, OMG, Weird news

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